2008-11-12 16:21:10 UTC
at first they just came in the afternoon as i was on the bus coming home [about three o'clock]
then they started happening earlier and earlier until they lasted all day.
i tried about a million different things.
-the chiropractor
-the eye doctor
-the regular doctor
-i had blood tests
-i was tested for mono
-i had a CAT scan
-i got about 11 hours of sleep for about a week straight
-tylenol\\ motrin don't work, i got a prescrip for tylenol 3 with codine, and that didn't touch it at all.
-i went to the ER and they gave me a migraine 'cocktail' which didn't help either.
-&& idr what else.
then, they started going away little by little.
but now they're baaaaack!
i really don't know what to do.
it could be because of stress, but for 2 weeks during october i was on break for intersession.
& they still were there.
so any ideas as to what i can do now??
[&& answer my other one??]