I have off and on, mostly on, been addicted to prescription pain medications (Opiates) for about 10 years (I'm almost 30 now, and started at age 19-20). I have tried to quit many times, failed many times, did succeed once early on, for 6 months, but started again (Thought it would always be easy to quit). It is literally... a nightmare now. I have a child, I am single (My parents, god bless them, have helped me take care of him, but I would do anything to get from underneath this medication to do this independent, just cannot do it sick, and my PAWS seems to never end), and don't know how I am ever going to be able to get off of it... or a dependable form of medication to maintain the addiction (Methadone, Suboxone). I guess what my question is, are there doctors that prescribe METHADONE for the maintaining of the addiction, not for pain? Suboxone would work, if I could afford the medication. it is literally cheaper to stay on the street medication that route. The only other option are clinics, which take money but do not take insurance (Or just my insurance). In all honesty, that is no different then a drug dealer, only legal. At 11 dollars a day, I cannot afford a monthly cost of $300+. When I asked them about the price, they simply stated "Well, it is cheaper than what you would pay most drug dealers.". It is pretty sad, that doctors would prey upon people with such problems. I really don't know what to do. I am not weak willed, I could easily maintain MYSELF, without overdoing it, if only I could just get a prescription for the medication. It seems not so much that they want to make sure you are taking the right amount, but rather that they want to cash in on the money you are paying for it on the streets. I am losing hope.... Meetings don't help, I don't need to talk, I need medication. You tell a doctor this, he treats you like a walking turd, like a robot programmed to turn you away once you mention it ( They teach it to you I guess in school), when you are literally begging to just be able to function, like him or her does normally. My son keeps me going. Rehabs are the same... No money = Cold Turkey suffering experience that ends most likely with you back on it.... Lots of money, Medicated, doesn't really matter, because having money..... what is there to really worry about? You can get the meds anyways. Everyday, I lose more and more of my intelligence, lose what made me.. ME. I live in Kansas too, which, is SOOO much worse when dealing with doctors. My PC prescribed me Naproxen to deal with withdraw.... "Thanks for that Aleve".. I guess, Anyways, my question, my MAIN QUESTION, once again, "Are there doctors that prescribe METHADONE for the maintaining of an opiate addiction, in Kansas?". Can't afford Suboxone, Can't afford a rehab that works, Can't afford the legal drug dealers at the clinic. I'm done carrying on.... Just about out of hope.