My symptoms are Major Joint pains in all joints except my elbows & right knee. Muscles fatigue and failure to function affecting all limbs but most often left leg. My arms and legs jump around of their own accord. Woke up numbness in right side of my face and had trouble focusing my right eye ever since. Head fog and pain in front of head and through eyes. The most help I've had is with Brufen (Ibuprofen) tablets they clear my head completely & give me greater limb function. Without them I get about 2hrs out of my legs before collapse. Numbness along side of Left thigh area is increasing in size. The more physical stuff I do the quicker my body deteriates.Resting doesn't stop it happening but sleep rejuvinates to a degree. I live with constant fatigue which is improved with Brufen. I suffer a lot of pain in joints & muscles that brufen & panadol help but don't remove. Does anyone know what this could be? My doctors don't know. 3 years now and It's getting worse.