Justin's Mommy
2010-09-27 09:27:49 UTC
Basically, i have had chronic back pain since i was about 24 and i have been seeing a Dr and taking medication for 3 years. It of course first started that i went to my Dr, went through the MRI's, physical therapy (PT told me they could really do nothing to hep), epidural pain shots and i have spoken with a nerosurgeon and i have an appointment with another neurosurgeon next Friday. I have severe multilevel disc herniation and bulging--so much that as my Dr desribes it--its like i have permanent pinched nerves...I also have disc degeneration and spinal stenosis. And of course arthritis setting in and i am only 30 years old.....this of course causes unbearable and i mean UNBEARABLE sciattica and pain. My regular Dr has done nerve tests on me and he says that its important that i hurry to get a surgery (he says a discectomy) because i am losing feeling in my right side (where mos of the worst herniation is) and he says that if i leave this unaddressed, i will risk severe nerve damage.
Ok--so heres my question. As of now, I am perscribed Percocet 10/325..45pills for 15 days (3x a day), Fentanyl patch 50 mg to be worn every 72 hours (it NEVER lasts the 72 hours..but the first day is great..no pain at all) and also Flexeril muscle relaxers 2x daily (i don't really take them during the day because the make me too tired..but i do take one at night)
Besides the meds, i am trying EVERYTHING. I use ice and heat almost every night which is hard because i have a 4 year old to chase after, i do the stretching that i was taught in physical therapy (even though my therapist told me he was doubtful it would help all that much) and i try to use Mortin when the pain is mild.
The pain is so bad. The percocet is NOT working...i don't know why but almost as soon as i started taking that 10mg percocet..it just didn't work (i was perscribed 7.5mg percocet before) My Dr says that this is because i am developing a tolerance to the pain medicine which is understandavle but...i need to be rescued from this pain!
I am going to my Dr today..i don't have my regular appointment where i receive the pills and the patches until next Tuesday, but i just can't wait. I still have some of my medicine to prove to him that i am NOT abusing it and i am hoping and praying that he percribes me some sort of breakthrough medicine. Like i said, i have a job (an office manager at that and when the pain is real bad...forget it..i'm a mess..but i NEED this job) and i have a 4 year old. I live with my Mom right now thank goodness so she is able to help me here and there but still...its really hard. (i'm crying now)
What kind of good breakthrough medicines are there for severe, chronic back pain? Like i said, i am awaiting to have the surgery so i hope to someday soon be able to taper off all of this (i wanna have another baby one of these days!) A friend of mine takes the Actiq fentanyl lollipops and he says they really help him...or are there some good pain pills for when the pain is just too much and my 10 mg percocet just won't do the trick?
Please help me..i just want to be rescued from this pain. Thanks in advance.