Please, disregard idiotic comments. People are simple minded and selfish at times so they find it oddly amusing to taunt people like little children.
Let's be serious for a minute.
I know we're strangers, but I've felt just like you before. What you don't see is what you're currently missing out on because of how down you feel. You must first understand is that you are NOT thinking clearly. This may be hormonal, this may be emotional, mental, etc. The good new is, it will pass! Please, trust this from a stranger if nothing else. This is temporary. Why would you let some temporary down time dictate the entire meaning of your existence?
I'm not going to give you the "everyone is special, everyone is meant for something" speach because I'm sure you've already heard this. The truth is, you will become what you want to in life. Simple as that. Nothing more, nothing less. YOU are the one who controls your destiny! Not happy with your life? Do something about it! Chase your dreams! Perhaps the reason you are miserable is because you have no real purpose in your life. No reason to make yourself the best you can be. Find out what it is that makes you excited and filled with passion and pursue that till you make it happen. You need purpose, direction, a goal to chase! There is so little in your life that you can't change if you wanted to. Get active and change what you dislike about yourself.
You say your parents cannot stand being around you and hate you. I can't speak for them because I don't know them. But with that said, have you ever heard the saying "rise above your raising"? Sometimes, you have to give yourself what other people should have. If its acceptence you need, praise, encouragement. Give yourself these things if they do not. Do for yourself and you can make your life whatever you've ever dreamed of! There is soooooo much potential out there for young people in our world. Don't waste your youth by having a pity party, change! Become what you know you can be! In the end, you'll be the only one to blame for how your life goes. Give yourself a chance, especially if others won't.
Good luck, I know you can do it and I don't even know you! Be strong. We all have to at some point in our lives. Take pride in who you are. If you can't see whats good about you right now, you aren't look. You'd be surprised how things you never expected can fill your life with joy. As for the girl, she's the most silliest thing I heard you mention. She's replacable. And statistically, it wouldn't have worked out anyway. Don't give her your time. When you stop doing so, someone will come along when you least expect it. Please, believe in yourself and make the life you want. Sometimes living means having tough skin and being our own cheerleaders, but if it gets us through and onto the bigger and greater things in our lives then its more than worth it!
Remember that your future possibilities are endless!