Can someone please help with my headaches and various random issues? I have no idea what's up...?
Emma E
2011-06-19 12:36:26 UTC
I'm 15 and I always have a headache, its never gone but gets worse sometimes. Its been this way for as long as I can remember, but its been getting worse. I don't spend a lot of time with electronics, I have glasses that are up to date, and I'm not stressing a ton. It feels better when I squeeze my head, my doc said I have tension headaches but it doesn't feel like my head's in a vise-more that it would feel better if it was. I always have a stomachache too, but that doesn't trouble me as much. I also have chronic pain on either side of my spine and on the sides of my trachea, as well as widespread pain-not fibromyalgia though. I have many sleep issues but am on medication to help that right now so I don't think it's caused by sleep deprivation either, however I'm still insanely tired no matter what I do. I don't drink caffeine, I exercise-not to a level where it would be hurting me though, and I take a ton of vitamins-Yet I always get sick. I got checked for mono, thyroid issues, allergies, cardiology, sleep, etc. I soon have a neurology appointment, but I honestly have no idea what's causing my issues. I'm also severely depressed, anxious, and dislike the vast majority of foods-like a combination of food neophobia and selective eating disorder. At the sleep clinic I got diagnosed with sleep apnea, although I show no symptoms of it other than unrestful sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness. I wake up around 6 times an hour-which is acute and should not be causing my headaches. They thought at first that I had narcolepsy and insomnia because I have ALL of those symptoms, but my sleep wasn't congruent to that of a narcoleptic. I have extreme issues with getting my homework and everything done because it takes so much energy to hold my concentration-energy I don't have. I don't have concentration problems though and I do not procrastinate, I just simply don't have the energy to do anything... Which is killing me because I wish I could, and I need to, but I physically can't. Also, although I drink enough, upon standing I often get extremely dizzy and I get visual snow. I get arrhythmia every now and then but not horrendous-and no chest pain, my resting heart rate is around 90 and shoots up to 180 every time I go up a flight of stairs-even though I'm active, I get tinnitus, my hands and feet are always cold and my extremities fall asleep easily and I get cataplexy-like symptoms in them when I laugh hard or are extremely sad. I get extremely hot at night. My bloods, ekg, echo etc are all perfect and I do not have anemia or hormonal issues. I'm always sore almost everywhere on my body and have a constant need to crack my hands back etc. Sometimes I have a pulsing headache, normally it just hurts a lot on both sides of my head. It moves around but it's typically in the back of my head. Sometimes it's behind my eyes and they feel like they're being pushed out and upwards. Its not migraines. Last year I got very sick, I got bronchitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis and a mono like virus (even though that test came back negative). My throat's always sore and since then i've gotten pharyngitis a few times and tonsillitis, even though I used to never get sick as a kid; and I'm perfectly healthy looking in a physical... There's probably a whole variety of issues I'm leaving out... But does anyone know what it could be?! Please I'm desperate...I can't function like this any longer, it's been my whole life and I'm sick of it....I need an answer... Please comment
Four answers:
2011-06-19 13:16:44 UTC
You should see a neurologist about your headaches and get an MRI to make sure everything is normal in your brain. If it is a tension headache, a little caffeine can help- the Rx medicine for tension headaches contains butalbitol, acetaminophen, and caffeine. With the dizziness, hands and feet being cold, etc, you may want to see a hematologist. Do you bruise easily? I have those symptoms as well and they are caused by my bleeding disorder (von Willebrands Disease). You sound like you could have fibromyalgia with the soreness all over; there are medicines to help that . You may be depressed/have anxiety/have ADD or ADHD, so maybe you want to see a psychiatrist as well.

And remember, you have to be your own advocate. Even if the doctors can't find what's wrong with you right away, don't give up. Press to see specialists until you have a diagnosis if you know there is something wrong.
2016-02-29 10:00:02 UTC
If you are pregnant, that should not cause the nosebleeds and headaches. That sounds more like a blood pressure issue. You did not mention how long you have been on that kind of birth control. This might be causing these problems. When you see your doctor tomorrow, he should be able to tell you what is going on. Good luck and hope you feel better real soon.
2011-06-19 12:43:26 UTC
Oh My God. :O

you poor girl :( Hugz lol

anyway wow, u sure are suffering, all I can think of to help is that I get anxiety and depression and that can screw with your stomach and your head, so grab some anti-depressants from the doctors and ask for a full body scan, think its called a CT scan or MRI. hope I helped aTad
Jan C
2011-06-19 12:41:52 UTC
Only a medical specialist can diagnose and help you. good luck.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.