2012-06-12 15:38:17 UTC
Any ideas what would cause this or what it is? The pain is really hard to describe. It would start coming on in waves and it affected both legs from the hips to my feet, front, back inside and outside. Certain areas would hurt for a while, but then it would start hurting somewhere else even if I didn't move at all. It would hurt when I first stood up, but once I started moving it would go away almost completely. The minute I stopped moving and sat, it would start flaring up again.
I work out 4-5 days per week, am not overweight at all, eat lots of fruit,veggies, and lean proteins, and drink a gallon of water per day on average.
If it happens again, I will go see a doctor, but when I started searching online to see what it was, I couldn't find anything even close. Its not restless legs because my legs aren't cramping, spasming, or twitching at all. I don't think its a nerve because I've had disc problems in my neck and the pain is not even remotely the same, plus it only hurts when I stop moving. There is no movements (even squatting deep) that cause the pain to be worse, only NOT moving. Its not sciatica or piriformis syndrome, I've had both of those in the past and effectively treated them and this pain is 100% different. No loss of strength or stamina other than being tired from not getting any sleep.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.