what helps with leg cramps?
2006-08-27 05:42:18 UTC
what helps with leg cramps?
Eight answers:
2006-08-27 05:57:03 UTC
Quinine - see your doctor...he/she can prescribe pills. Tonic water has quinine in it (can buy it at any grocery store). Bananas are very good...loaded with potassium. Or, you can drink warm, salt water in the midst of a cramp and do leg stretches. Also, be sure to drink lots (64 oz) of water every day. Hope this help...I hate cramps!
2006-08-27 05:49:44 UTC
even though it might seem hard when you get a leg cramp straighten your leg and point your toes all the way forward and then bring your foot all the way back do it a few times this should release the cramp. Leg cramps could be a sign that you are low on potassium so eat a banana or two. If you get them often like in the middle of the night or more than once a week ask a doctor. If you are exercising then do some more stretching.
2006-08-27 06:00:01 UTC
If you mean the "charley horse" kind of cramps you get in the backs of your legs---the kind that wake you up in the middle of the night---I get those too, if I've been on my feet too much.

Make sure you're getting proper nutrition; often, when we're busiest (at work or at school), we forget to eat correctly. Take a multivitamin daily, to ensure you're getting the potassium and magnesium you need (along with other nutrients).

Also, remember to gently stretch your leg muscles, in the same way a runner would stretch before a race. Do this right before bed, to lessen the likelihood of cramps.

When the cramps do hit, all you can do right away is walk them off. If you try to lay/sit still, the muscles will only continue to tighten. After a few minutes of pacing, the cramps usually subside. As for medication, good old aspirin (or other over-the-counter pain relievers) is probably your best best. There are also some OTC medications that contain pain relievers, plus a mild muscle relaxant (they're often marketed for back pain, but muscles are muscles). I think there might even be a couple of products marketed specifically for leg cramps.

Also, try a topical pain-relief "rub" (like Ben-Gay, Aspercreme, etc). These will help the pain---because of the medication in the products, and also because of the "massaging" action when you rub them on. The only drawback with products like these is that you smell like the product afterward (and so does your bed).
Sassy OLD Broad
2006-08-27 07:02:22 UTC
Potassium. And walking around a bit especially if it's "restless legs". Also soaking in a tub with very warm/hot water helps the muscles relax.
2006-08-27 07:06:09 UTC
Believe it or not, TONIC WATER works wonders for some people. My husband often suffers from severe leg cramps, especially when he was going through chemotherapy. They were so bad that they would wake him out of his sleep! One of his friends recommended it because it contains quinine. Hope it will work for you.
2006-08-27 05:47:48 UTC
Take some ibuprofin for now and alternate hot/cold compresses. To prevent them you should stretch daily and make sure you take a multivitamin with potassium or eat a lot of bananas.
2006-08-27 05:47:22 UTC
Make sure you get it in your arms instead.
2006-08-27 05:47:44 UTC
eat bananas.

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