2013-11-20 12:37:16 UTC
Let me start off by saying - last Christmas, I was having shooting pains (and I do mean shooting pains) down my left arm, that were going off into my chest/stomach. I panicked, and rushed to the Hospital. I was thinking I was having a heart attack. They kept me for 4 days, in the Hospital, running tests. I got hooked up to heart monitors, I got a heart ultrasound done, brain scan, full body MRI, Upper G.I - You name it, I had it done. They found absolutely nothing, besides Gastritis, Acid Reflux disease, and a little touch of esopaghitis. They told me my chest pain was radiating from that, which could cause my left arm pain. They said my heart was completely fine, and looked great. Well, I had IV's hooked up to my left arm, which got pretty swollen.
Since then - especially about a month ago, my left arm has had the most uncomfortable, tingling sensation in it. The other day, I had the same old shooting pains down it (which, got pretty intense), but it was not accompanied by any chest pain. I thought nothing of it, and it went away about 10 minutes later.
Last night I was asleep, and it woke me up (out of dead sleep.) It was the awful tingling sensation. It was so uncomfortable, I could NOT go back to sleep. My arm felt really heavy, shaky, and as if it were trying to go to sleep, but couldn't. It even radiates all the way to the tips of my finger tips, making them numb and tingly as well.
Today, there's really no change. My arm is very heavy - feels kind of like I have little control over it. When I pick things up, my hand is shaky, as if the nerves are shot. It literally feels like someone is squeezing my upper arm - there's pressure.
What do you think this could be? The Hospital found nothing wrong in all of my MANY tests I got, besides a Potassium deficiency, so could this just be a really bad nerve? I'm making a Doctor's appointment in the morning, but I know they won't be able to get me in until next week.
I'd just like opinions. And please - don't freak me out saying it's my heart, lol. I already thought it was my heart once before and ran to the Hospital, with no insurance, for them to tell me my heart is 100% healthy, and that I have anxiety - haha.