Ask the Doctor to give you something, to make it easy to go. Believe me its going to be hell now. Pain killer constipation is murder. You gone beyond the point of no return. You are now what is termed 'chronic'. Solution one, you will be given a Suppository up your back passage to get you to go. If that fails, drug mixed in water to drink. Then other laxatives, and possibly a different suppository. If that fails doctors give you medication mixed in water intended for operations, on those who need cancer x-rays but no faeces, ie clean inside to diagnose tumours. Thats the last drastic resort. It works. May take hours. Will feel about to go, nothing, until finally, it will exit. And relief. Not available over counter. But it works. And then the opposite. Then it will stabilise. Get help now.
Senakot is useless at this point. Trust me. Seek help. Straining will tear your back passage. Then it will be painful. Its too late now, you need urgent help. It will get worse, not better. You will get to the point where you will start to leak, ie overflow, and not stop leaking, nor be able to empty your bowel, because it just won't exit. Too hard. Too solid. Get help, ask your doctor, tell him. Its urgent you seek help now. Good luck!
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Laxatives are a type of medicine that help you pass stools. There are several different types and each one has a different effect on your digestive system.
Bulk-forming laxatives
Your GP will normally start you on a bulk-forming laxative. These laxatives work by helping your stools to retain fluid. This means they are less likely to dry out, which can lead to faecal impaction (read about complications of constipation). Bulk-forming laxatives also make your stools denser and softer, which means they should be easier to pass.
Commonly prescribed bulk-forming laxatives include ispaghula husk, methylcellulose and sterculia. When taking this type of laxative, you must drink plenty of fluids. Also, do not take them before going to bed. It will usually be two to three days before you feel the effects of a bulk-forming laxative.
Osmotic laxatives
If your stools remain hard after you have taken a bulk-forming laxative, your GP may prescribe an osmotic laxative instead. Osmotic laxatives increase the amount of fluid in your bowels. This helps to stimulate your body to pass stools and also softens stools.
Commonly prescribed osmotic laxatives include lactulose and macrogols. As with bulk-forming laxatives, make sure you drink enough fluids. It will usually be two to three days before you feel the effect of the laxative.''